Well, this is a new one.....!
A friend of mine is having a birthday, the theme, of course, Lady Gaga Vs Keith Lemon (YAY)
Now, as much as I'd love to dress up as the legendary Mr Lemon, how can anyone turn down the opportunity to make a Gaga recreation!!!
Theres quite a few of us going, so outfits where bound to be snatched up quickly! I decided to roll with the Latex and Lobster suit! The outfit itself, I decided to tone down somewhat - and concentrate on the UBER creation that is the Lobster hat! Who cares whats on your body when that's on your head right!
Well, being on a budget here is how I managed to make 'Jeffery' as he has been fondly named....
First up - get yourself a lobster. You can make one from various items, foam, polystyrene, wood (?) but I had neither the time nor patience...!
Jeffrey came to me thanks to the wonder of Ebay! I was lucky to have found him! He was listed as a 'Food Decoration' and would 'Look good amongst a seafood platter' which I translated to ' Would look good on my head in silver'. I just had to pray he hadn't already had a lay down amongst the prawns and crab sticks and wouldn't smell!
Bargainous at just £7 incl postage!
I gave him a good bath, and made sure he was fresh as a daisy ready to have his Gaga-Over....
I Laid A LOT of newspaper down and got to work with some silver decoration spray. I picked this up at a local £1 shop, for 89p (HA more fool you - I was SO prepared to spend a whole £1)
The spray really does hang in the air, and get everywhere so make sure you cover all surfaces. Id also suggest gloves, took 20 Min's to take the stuff off my hands afterwards!
I gave him two coats over two days so he was totally covered...looking peach already!!!
Next up I had to figure out how to get him to sit on my head - upright! Looking at the pics of LG, it looked like it was on a hoop over her head - which made perfect sense rather than an Alice band which was my first thought.
My other half suggested something like an electrical wire, as it would have more rigidity to stay in place, and support the weight too.
I picked up a meter of this at Wilko's for 65p!!
I wrapped it around my head, leaving the ends crossed over and sticking up like antennae, this would then go up the back of Jeffrey to keep him in place.
I used some cut off material from my outfit to wrap around the 'halo' of it to keep it comfy and tied the cross over.
So far so good!!
Next up - attaching them together!!
My super friend had a glue gun that she lent me to stick in place. I'm so glad she did, because I have NO idea what I'd have done! Was contemplating picture wire for a while!
Anwho, I smoothed the length of wire down the 'belly' and place where the front of the 'halo' should sit from underneath. Because of the fabric, I was able to glue right where i needed to!
I secured the lengths in place and glued both against the sides, and the middle of the two to make sure that bad boy wasn't going anywhere, and tied it really tightly while it set.
I left it turned over so the weight would hold it down.
Whilst I left it, I attacked the top side with more silver, and threw a heap load of silver glitter for extra 'Gaga-Glam'!! (hobby craft - £1.69)
The pictures just don't do it justice but Jeffrey is the most AWESOME lobster in town!
Sits up really nicely, isn't overly uncomfortable, and all for less than £12
Now, come on....its not BAD is it really?!?!?!
Watch this space and I will provide pics from the night with FULL Gaga Costume, and other AMAZING costumes!!