Thursday 28 February 2013

Maybelline Popstick - Citrus Slice - Mini Review

OK, I know these popsticks are old news really, but I picked one up half price on a whim and thought I'd share quickly.
They only had 'Citrus Slice 060' half price (still at £3.50ish though) and I didnt think much of it in the bullet....only after I swatched was I more intrigued.
Im not a huge Maybelline fan, I dont know why I just dont find their products too exciting...just me???
The bullet itself is a translucent orange, which was odd, I assumed this would come out as an orangy lip-balm type. Well it is lipbalmy in appearance, but definately a pink to it which I was really keen on. (I appreciate this hasnt show up too great in the is subtle!)

I like the packaging, its cutesy for spring/summer coming up (eventually) and so thought I'd have a try.
At £7.20 ish I wouldnt have been so happy...its not THAT good, but for £3.50 Im pretty happy. Its smells like citrus sweeties and applies smooth and moisturisingly nice.

I think it leaves a nice pinky hue to my lips too. I look at it as more of a lip balm/tint than anything else. I know its marketed as a 'shine with a hint of popsickle tint'. Thats about it really. Whilst I do quite like it, again, Maybelline, nothing extraordinary here...!
Have you tried any other Popsticks? What do you think??
PS. Wrinkley eyelids anyone!? Jebus..... apparently pregnancy is making my eyelids fat....


  1. Hello there lauren,I thought the orange colour packaging and lipstick looked a bit yucky tbh, but when I see it on your lips I absolutely love it. My favourite lip colours are always natural so it's just my cup of tea. I can't say I have ever seen the popsticks before but if i do i know now not to be put off by the colour of the outside or indeed the lippy colour.

    BTW,saw you needed followers form you rpost on the FBL facebook page so just followed you on GFC. If you get chance could you follow me back on GFC if you like my blog of course, as I am trying to hit my 400 follower milestone.
    Angela x

    1. Hi Angela,
      I suppose the colour of the packaging is pretty 'neon' did remind me of a lollipop though!
      These seem to be a lot loss scary than the packaging though!
      I'll check out your blog too thanks!


  2. I like the idea of these and love your top xx

    1. Thanks! A pregnancy friendly jumper I love!!x
